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Practice Ethically and Challenge Equality Case Study

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Practice Ethically and Challenge Equality - Case Study Example Jane Schulz (2007) argues that ethics is “a set of moral principles or valuesâ€�. Discussions regarding the origins of ethics and values have stirred debates in more than one way. It is especially hard to conclude whether they are inherited, learned by experience or both. As a nurse who performs direct patient care in the community, I have witnessed the best and worst of ethical behaviors in both my clients and other health staffs in different settings. On more than one occasion,  I have had to acknowledge my own ethical value system, challenge it, and develop it throughout my life but never so much as I have since I began my nursing career. The reflection will highlight NMC, NOS and produce evidence within the practice evidence criteria, using Gibbs (1988) to help me present my reflection in a natural sequence of events. The framework is iterative and enables me to ask myself a series of questions at stopping points, to help me put the experience in an organized manner.